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Established in 2007 and supported during its initial 5 year phase by investment from the Scottish Funding Council and the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, SIPR is a collaboration between Police Scotland, the Scottish Police Authority, and 15 Scottish universities* established to carry out high quality, independent research and to make evidence-based contributions to policing policy and practice.
Robert Gordon University
University of Dundee
Edinburgh Napier University
Abertay University
University of Stirling
Queen Margaret University
The Open University
Heriot-Watt University
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Strathclyde
University of the West of Scotland
University of Aberdeen
University of Glasgow
Robert Gordon University
University of Dundee
Edinburgh Napier University
Abertay University
University of Stirling
Queen Margaret University
The Open University
Heriot-Watt University
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Strathclyde
University of the West of Scotland
University of Aberdeen
University of Glasgow
Robert Gordon University
University of Dundee
Edinburgh Napier University
Abertay University
University of Stirling
Queen Margaret University
The Open University
Heriot-Watt University
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Strathclyde
University of the West of Scotland
University of Aberdeen
University of Glasgow
Established in 2007, The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR)’s mission is to support independent, multi-disciplinary policing research to enable evidence informed policy & practice.
• Facilitate excellent, independent research of relevance to policing (RESEARCH);
• Engage in a range of knowledge exchange activities to strengthen the evidence base on which policy and practice are improved & developed (KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE);
• Nurture a culture of learning & innovation (LEARNING AND INNOVATION);
• Promote the development of national & international links with researcher, practitioner and policing communities (PARTNERSHIPS);
Within these four aims we will strive to achieve the following:
1. Research
• Increase policing research capacity under three strategic research priority themes in order to shape strategic focus and respond to external drivers.
• Enhance excellence of SIPR policing research through improvements to quality assurance processes.
2. Knowledge Exchange
• Facilitate events and enhance knowledge exchange tools.
• Support evidence to practice routes and develop pathways to enable and document impact.
3. Learning and Innovation
• Nurture learning and innovation in policing organisations and universities, supporting the postgraduate community and the next generation of researchers and practitioners.
• Foster links between higher education and policing organisations and partners to support training, education and innovation.
4. Partnerships
• Facilitate networking and collaboration between academics, practitioners, and policy makers nationally and internationally.
• Develop strategic links with new and existing partners.
SIPR is composed of the following governance structure.
The Board of Governance have overall reasonability and final approval for all SIPR activities and operations although several responsibilities are delegated to the Executive Committee and Leadership team where appropriate. The Terms of Reference for the BoG can be accessed here.
The role of the International Advisory Committee is to provide advice on the strategic direction of SIPR with respect to its key wins of conducting relevant research, making evidence-based contributions to policing policy and practice, and capacity building. The International Advisory Committee will also help identify opportunities for SIPR to engage in research and knowledge transfer activity in partnership with others at both national and international levels.
The running of SIPR will be led by the SIPR Leadership Team, with much activity delivered through the four networks. Additionally, the leadership team are responsible for engaging the wider SIPR membership from across all member organisations in order to capitalise on the skills and experience of the collective policing research network throughout Scotland.
The SIPR Leadership Team will develop a draft annual operational plan nd the Executive Committee will contribute to its development and an aligned budget. Plans will be presented to the Board of Governance for approval.
A core budget will be assigned for the annual running of SIPR, and decisions will be made regarding budgets aligned with the operational plan on an annual basis, in line with the academic year. An annual report which will summarise the activity and value of SIPR will be prepared for the Board of Governance.
Increase policing research capacity under three strategic research priority themes in order to shape strategic focus and respond to external drivers.
• Grants, seed corn funding and studentships, aligned with strategic research priority themes.
• Responding the requests regarding evidence reviews and supporting the development of tenders in response to external drivers.
• Supporting members to generate external income.
• Quality assurance and peer review processes.
In line with the annual budget allocation, SIPR will:
• Identify strategic research priorities to drive the SIPR research agenda.
• Run annual competitive processes grants.
• Undertake literature reviews/rapid evidence assessments as agreed with PS or SPA.
• Design/implement new quality assurance procedures.
Facilitate events and enhance knowledge exchange tools. Support evidence to practice routes and develop pathways to enable and document impact.
• Impact dissemination scheme.
• Knowledge Exchange events.
• Annual Conference.
• Network activities.
• Social media and public engagement.
• Knowledge Exchange tools and briefing papers.
• Develop mechanisms to enable/document impact.
In line with the annual budget allocation, SIPR will:
• Design and implement scheme which support members to disseminate research.
• Organise annual policing research conference.
• Increase social media presence.
• Increase number of SIPR branded publications.
Nurture learning and innovation in policing organisations and universities, supporting the postgraduate community and the next generation of researchers and practitioners. Foster links between higher education and policing organisations and partners to support training, education and innovation.
• Postgraduate symposia and student led events (e.g roundtables and writing retreats) and summer school.
• Practitioner Fellowships.
• Developing new Continued Professional Development, training or education.
• Promoting active membership of SIPR.
In line with the annual budget allocation, SIPR will:
• Organise annual student symposium.
• Continue to support deliver of other student led events.
• Design and launch new membership package.
• Increase number of researchers/practitioners who identify as SIPR members.
Facilitate networking and collaboration between academics, practitioners, and policy makers nationally and internationally. Develop strategic links with new and existing partners.
• Developing strategic links with international partners.
• Hosting visitors.
• Fostering practitioner engagement.
• Attendance/presentations at national/international events.
• Forging new partnerships with other national networks, third sector/civil society, relevant government and NGO’s.
In line with the annual budget allocation, SIPR will:
• Strengthen relations with key practitioner partners.
• Provide financial/admin support for members to attend/present at relevant events.
• Grow our network through strategic engagement and partnerships.
• Continue to host international experts.
You will be added to our mailing list to keep you updated with future events and activities from the Scottish Institute for Policing Research