Police Governance and Accountability in Comparative Perspective:Centralism, Localism and Democratic Policing

Date of event: November 4, 2011

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Event Briefing

This conference was the first in a series of events funded by a Royal Society of Edinburgh Arts & Humanities Network Award on the theme of Crime and Policing in Scotland: Past and Present. The network is intended to provide a unique forum for researchers to engage with police and criminal justice practitioners, with the aim of sharing and enhancing mutual knowledge and research agendas and providing an opportunity for contemporary Scottish crime and policing issues to be considered from an international historical perspective.

For the Project Website, please see: http://blog.dundee.ac.uk/scottishpolicinghistory/

Biographical details of the speakers

Welcome and Opening Comments Professor Nicholas Fyfe, Director, SIPR & Dr Murray Frame, University of Dundee

Podcast [4 minutes, 3.6 Mb]

  • Session 1 Chair: Dr Murray Frame
  • Malcolm Anderson, Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh Local control, accountability and arguments about police effectiveness in France
    Podcast [30 minutes, 27.8 Mb]
    Text of Presentation
  • Dr Ken Scott, Associate Director, SIPR; University of the West of Scotland Controlling the Constable in Scotland: Discretion, Discipline and Ethics
    PowerPoint Presentation [754 Kb]
    Podcast [28 minutes, 26.0 Mb]
  • Wilbur Miller, Professor of History, State University of New York Elected police chiefs – democracy or disaster?
    Podcast [33 minutes, 30.3 Mb]
  • Discussion
    Podcast [15 minutes, 14.1 Mb]
  • Session 2 Chair: Professor Nick Fyfe
    • Paddy Tomkins, Former HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland Panopticon Reversed – Police Accountability in 21st century Scotland
      Podcast [22 minutes, 19.8 Mb]
    • Dr Murray Frame, University of Dundee Policing a revolution: the Militia in Russia, 1917-22
      Podcast [20 minutes, 18.1 Mb]
  • Session 3 Chair: Dr Anja Johansen
    • Keynote: Central vs Local: Civilian vs Military. Some Comparative Aspects of Policing Professor Clive Emsley, Emeritus Professor, Department of History, Open University, Milton Keynes; former Director of the European Centre for the Study of Policing.
      PowerPoint Presentation [2.1 Mb]
      Podcast [43 minutes, 39.5 Mb]
    • Discussion
      Podcast [23 minutes, 21.0 Mb]

For further details, please contact the Research and Knowledge Transfer Manager, Tim Heilbronn (t.d.heilbronn@dundee.ac.uk)

Front (l to r): Emsley, Anderson, Scott, Miller.
Back (l to r): Frame, Johansen, Fyfe, Gallagher, Tomkins

Event Programme

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