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Bringing together contributors from the US, Australia and Europe, the conference was Chaired by Paddy Tomkins, Director of Droman Ltd and former Chief Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland, and focused on the challenges of transforming information into intelligence, the importance of targeting interventions, and different approaches to enhancing trust and confidence in policing.
With inputs from senior figures from government, policing, industry and the research community, the conference addressed the challenges that face policing, and provided insights into potential policy and technological solutions.
Building on the success of the conferences held in 2011 and 2012, and set against the backdrop of one of the most radical reforms to policing in Europe that saw the creation of a single, national police service for Scotland in April 2013, this international event provided an important space in which to learn about the changes that had taken place in the first 8 months of the new force and future developments, as well as share new ideas and develop international networks.
09.00 Registration, Tea and Coffee
Chair: Paddy Tomkins QPM, Droman Ltd
09.30 Chair’s Welcome
09.35 Professor Nicholas Fyfe (Director, SIPR) Introduction and aims of the Conference
Podcast [7 minutes,2.6 Mb]
09.45 Kenny MacAskill MSP Cabinet Secretary for Justice
Podcast [20 minutes, 7.2 Mb]
10.05 Vic Emery OBE Chair, Scottish Police Authority
Podcast [60 minutes, 5.9 Mb]
10.20 Sir Stephen House QPM Chief Constable, Police Scotland
due to equipment failure, no recording is available
10.35 Q & A
10.50 Tea / Coffee and Networking
11.15 The James Smart Memorial Lecture:
Chuck Wexler Police Executive Research Forum, Washington DC
Podcast [60 minutes, 21.7 Mb]
12.30 Buffet Lunch
13.30 – 14.45 Breakout Session 1
15.00 – 16.15 Breakout Session 2
Delegates will be able to choose two of the following Breakout Sessions
Transforming information into intelligence:
Chair: Professor Jim Fraser (Associate Director, SIPR / University of Strathclyde)
Session Leaders: Paul Sinderberry (Selex ES)Harvesting technology: the exploitation of technological developments and innovation to enable the capture and dissemination of information; Professor Keith Nicholson (Scottish Future Communications Programme) Information everywhere: the delivery of integrated voice and data services for Scotland’s Emergency Services; Chief Inspector James Asser (Sussex Police, on secondment to BlackBerry) Mobile solutions – digital not digitised: generating intelligence through the exploitation of integrated services
Targeting interventions:
Chair: Professor Nicholas Fyfe (Director, SIPR)
Session Leaders: Dominic Munro (Scottish Government): Making sense of the falling crime in Scotland; Professor Michele Burman (University of Glasgow): Policing and domestic violence; Professor Shane Johnson (UCL) : Predictive Policing
Dominic Munro – PowerPoint Presentation [3.28 Mb]
Michele Burman – PowerPoint Presentation [149 Kb]
Shane Johnson – PowerPoint Presentation [2.89 Mb]
Building trust and confidence:
Chair: Dr Alistair Henry (Associate Director, SIPR / University of Edinburgh)
Session Leaders: C/S Gillian MacDonald (Police Scotland) : Building trust in a multi-ethnic neighbourhood; Professor Lorraine Mazerolle (University of Queensland) : Procedural Justice: why trust and confidence in policing matter ; Sarah MacQueen (University of Edinburgh) & Dr Ben Bradford (University of Oxford) : Community engagement and procedural justice in Scotland: the ScotCET project
Gillian MacDonald – PowerPoint Presentation [2.09 Mb]
Lorraine Mazerolle – PowerPoint Presentation [1.81 Mb]
Sarah MacQueen & Ben Bradford – PowerPoint Presentation [152 Kb]
16.15 Reception, hosted by the Chief Constable of Scotland, Sir Stephen House QPM
17.30 Conference closes
This Conference is being organised by the Scottish Institute for Policing Research in partnership with:
South Hall, Pollock Halls
Keynote Speakers: The SIPR International Policing Conference, November 2013
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