AI in Policing: Thought Leadership Request

The Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE) Research Network are currently looking for contributions for a piece of research on behalf of
the Office of the Police Chief Scientific Adviser (OPCSA).

We are leveraging the expertise and insights within the Academic Research Network to contribute to a strategic piece of research focussing on Artificial Intelligence in Policing. The expertise and insights shared will support their evolving evidence base, and help better shape future policies.

We are seeking contributions across a myriad of areas, including: ways in which AI could be used to improve policing, AI challenge adoption and also the possible risks AI brings in policing.

Please follow the link here and feel encouraged to respond only to the questions for which you have the confidence to share your expertise and insights. The questions can also be found below, but please do respond via the earlier link.

In return for your contribution, you will be considered for future areas of research with the NPCC. Moreover, they will be looking to shortlist a select number industry and academic experts to participate in an upcoming roundtable with Dylan Alldridge, Head of Innovation for the Office of the Police Chief Scientific Adviser.

We kindly ask for contributions to be made by 15:00 on Thursday 17th August. If you have any questions, please reach out to James Lamb, Community Engagement Manager at ACE


  1. What are the possible risks policing face with AI being used by malicious actors?
  2. What are the key areas of investment required which policing should consider in
    order to build robust defences against criminal use of AI?
  3. What needs to be done now and over the next 12-18 months to enable policing to
    take advantage of AI in the short, medium, and long term? In terms of data,
    architecture, management, and oversight?
  4. What will be the biggest challenges to adopting AI in policing?
  5. How can policing best leverage existing data sets and infrastructure to benefit from
    emerging AI technologies?
  6. How could AI be used to improve policing in the short term (months)?
  7. How could AI be used to improve policing over the next five years?
  8. What won’t AI be able to do for policing in the foreseeable future?
  9. What operational, ethical, and trust & confidence risks does use of AI within policing
    bring? And how can they be mitigated?
  10. What can we learn from other industries that are more advanced with the
    deployment of AI into practice?

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