VACANCY: SIPR Postgraduate Co-ordinators

Dear SIPR Doctoral Researchers, I hope this e-mail finds you well.
Our current PG Co-ordinators, Sam Conway and Oana Petcu, are both due to complete their doctoral studies later this year.  We are extremely grateful to Sam and Oana for their work in this role to date.  We are now seeking expressions of interest from doctoral researchers (earlier in their research journey) who would like to begin working alongside Sam and Oana with a view to taking over as our PG student co-ordinator(s) when Sam and Oana complete their terms.  
This role will involve working with Dr Kirsteen Grant, Associate Director (Development) on co-ordinating the PG symposium which runs alongside SIPR’s annual conference, as well as helping to co-ordinate and promote our calendar of activities for PG and early career researchers.  PG co-ordinators will also have specific responsibility for organising and managing one of two in-person social activities/events each year.  They will also have a vital communications and liaison role as the key link between SIPR’s PG students and the leadership team.  (Please refer to the attached role description for a more detailed insight into the role).
This is a voluntary position, however in recognition of your efforts, SIPR will provide up to £500 of funding to each co-ordinator per annum, which can be used to fund certain activities related to their PhD (e.g., dissemination activities presenting at or attending conferences).
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and CV detailing how they meet the profile requirements above (also refer to attached role description) and provide a Letter of Support from their supervisor(s).  Applications should be sent to Simon-Lewis Menzies at no later than Monday 26thth August 2024.  (The role will commence in September 2024).
Any queries can be directed to Kirsteen Grant, SIPR Associate Director for Development.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,

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