Dr Julie Berg

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Dr Julie Berg is a lecturer in criminology at the School of Social and Political Sciences, and an Associate Director (Internationalisation) of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR), at the University of Glasgow. She is also one of Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for SIPR within the University of Glasgow.

She joined the University of Glasgow in January 2018, having previously held a full-time research and teaching appointment at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. She is a research fellow in the Global Risk Governance Programme at the University of Cape Town and a member of the international and inter-disciplinary network Everyday Political Economies of Plural Policing (EPEPP). Julie also co-leads a global network, the Evolving Securities Initiative (ESI), which comprises scholars and security professionals focusing on the generation of knowledge about existing and emerging harmscapes and associated security governance developments. She runs the ESI’s Glasgow Hub (ESI@GLA) which focuses on exploring the impacts of new risk harmscapes on security institutions, collaborative arrangements, and democratic policing. Further to this, Julie co-leads the Network on Intelligence and Security Practices in African Countries (NISPAC) which is an interdisciplinary community of scholars and practitioners focused on exploring the role of security and intelligence services (state and non-state) in the African context, thereby addressing deficits in knowledge on this topic.


My research interests include state and non-state policing, and plural or polycentric security governance. I am principally interested in the nature of plurality in security governance through the mapping out of state and non-state nodes within increasingly pluralized environments and the particular role of the private sector (for instance, private security and private intelligence) in these environments. In light of the emergence of new global harms or harmscapes, I am interested in how policing in its pluralized form adapts to these new harms. Furthermore, I am interested in the contextual factors that impact on plural policing (for instance, the shifting nature of public space, power relations, and public policing provision); the impacts of new and advanced technologies on collaborative and pluralized policing; as well as the impacts of plural policing on achieving inclusive and equitable security governance in line with a public or common good (with a particular focus on legitimacy, accountability, and democratic security provision). Further to this, I am interested in the impact of new and emerging global harmscapes and associated responses, on the evolution of criminology as a field of inquiry. Related to this, I am interested in exploring the nature and implications of a decolonised criminology, particularly in light of the disproportionate impact of new harms (such as climate change) on the Global South/LMICs and the need for innovative responses and an adaptive criminology.

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