Education and Leadership

Projects | Thematic Networks

The Aims of this Network are to promote research in police education and leadership development; to support Police Scotland with research in education and leadership towards increased professionalism and capability; and to address issues of professional education and CPD.

• Education refers to initial education as well as career-long professional development, workplace learning and organisational learning.
• Leadership refers to leadership practices and capabilities in all levels and aspects of policing.

The Education and Leadership Network focuses on the internal dynamics of the police organisation including:

• issues of management, policy, leadership and organisational structure and culture;
• police education at a local, national and international level to support Police Scotland with research in education and learning and enhance capability in this area;
• Enhance the links between evidence-based policing, education and leadership;
• Identifying and establishing what good leadership development in policing for the future look like;
• Examine and consider innovations from other organisations and how they can support or increase organisational and workforce capability; and
• Consider what are the most significant differences that we need to attend to – both differences in individual learning needs, and differences in diverse contexts of policing.

Questions which guide the network activities include:

• How can we incorporate evidence-based policing into all police education?
• What are the most significant differences that we need to attend to – both differences in individual learning needs, and differences in diverse contexts of policing?
• How can we assess learning most effectively at different career stages?
• What would rigorous leadership development in policing for the future look like? • What is police leadership
• What makes police leadership special in the European context
• What can we learn from innovations for professional education in other public service professions – e.g. medicine, social work, nursing, emergency services?
• How can we facilitate co-production of knowledge and evidence related to policing and police organising?


Significant features of the network include:

• The development of Knowledge Transfer activities;
• The promotion of Practitioner Research.

Network Steering Group

Associate Directors:

Dr Andrew Wooff,
Head of Social Sciences,
Edinburgh Napier University.

Dr Andrew Tatnell,
Teaching Fellow,
Edinburgh Napier University.

Academic Members:

Dr Katie Davidson,
Teaching Fellow,
University of Strathclyde.

Neil Leslie,
Lecturer in Criminology,
Abertay University.

Dr Maureen Taylor,
Lecturer in Criminology,
Glasgow Caledonian University.

Police Liaison:

Rob Hay,
Chief Superintendent,
Police Scotland.

Yvonne Hail,
Business Intelligence Coordinator,
Police Scotland.

Andrew Broadbent,
Leadership & Talent Manager,
Police Scotland.

Darren Paterson,
Head of Workforce Governance,
Scottish Police Authority. 

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