Police Amalgamation and Reform: Historical and Geographical Comparisons

Date of event: May 2, 2014

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Event Briefing

This seminar explored what might be learnt from historical and geographical comparisons of police amalgamation and organisational reform. It examined the opportunities and challenges that have surfaced in different contexts, and the effectiveness of responses. How might past experience inform current debate? How might geographical comparisons enable best practice?

Powerpoints and podcasts from this event are shown below.

    • Louise Jackson (University of Edinburgh)and Professor Nicholas Fyfe (SIPR): Welcome and Introduction
      Podcast [2.5 minutes, 0.8 Mb]


    • Neil Davidson, Louise Jackson and Davie Smale (University of Edinburgh): Police amalgamation and reform in Scotland: long-term perspectives
      PowerPoint Presentation… [2.64 Mb]
      Podcast [43 minutes, 15.3 Mb]


    • Jan Terpstra (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands): Comparison of the 2013 police reforms in Scotland and the Netherlands -reform, implementation and local policing
      PowerPoint Presentation… [87 Kb]
      Podcast [53 minutes, 18.5 Mb]


    • Professor Nicholas Fyfe (Director, SIPR): The ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘so what’ of police reform:.Scotland in comparative perspective
      PowerPoint Presentation… [2.22 Mb]
      Podcast [44 minutes, 15.5 Mb]


This workshop was jointly organised and funded by SIPR and the University of Edinburgh.

For further details, please contact the Business and Knowledge Transfer Manager, Tim Heilbronn (t.d.heilbronn@dundee.ac.uk)

Event Programme

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